Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Just like that (part II)"

I arrived back at their house around 5:00, and my friend was standing in the front yard talking to our minister of music.  When I hugged her she said, “Can you believe this is happening?”  She has been through so much over the years.  Her mom and dad passed away, and her brother has prostate cancer.  I was quiet and listened as she told me the things her son had done that day, and then she told me the details of the wreck.  Her strength was incredible.  She was so strong.

We went inside and I talked with her for a while.  She was thankful for the family trip they took last summer.   Their trip was for three weeks, and they travelled out West in an RV.  Her son put together a DVD of the trip and added music to it.  They played the DVD while I was there.  I watched part of it, and then talked to other family members before I left.

It was 7:00 when I left, and my husband had already eaten, so I picked some food up for myself and Ashton.  Of course, I wanted to eat with him after going through this whole ordeal, but I had a difficult time sitting at the table without crying.  As I was sitting there, I felt bad that I could hug him and my friend could not hug her son.  I got up from the table and went to the bathroom so I would not cry in front of him.  I made it through dinner with a tear or two, but I don’t think he noticed.

I went to bed early so I could cry.  There gets to be a point where I have to stop crying because my face hurts so much.  I learned to take Tylenol before bed so that my face isn’t killing me the next morning.

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