Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mom’s clothes

Dad wanted us to go through Mom’s clothes and pick out what we wanted to keep.  He was going to give the rest of the clothes to the church for the Red Bird Mission Project.  The sale of the items would go to missionaries.  That night my sisters and I got out all of Mom’s clothes and shoes.  When we first started, we all were in Mom’s room with the clothes lying on Mom’s bed.  After a while, Dad came in and just plopped down on the bed as we were going through her clothes.

It was very sentimental remembering the items of clothes she used to wear.  It was hard deciding who would get which articles of clothing.  Jamie was very laid back and made the least fuss over Mom’s clothes.  I wanted the pajamas Mom was in when she died.  I guess it had a sentimental value, because I was there when she died.  We took the tee-shirts and sweatshirts our kids made for Mom when they were younger.  Joann’s stomach started bothering her, and we thought it was nerves, but then she threw up.  We bagged all the clothes and put them into a closet until Dad would send them to the Red Bird Mission Project.  He said Mom liked this mission project.

U  Have you asked family members if they would like certain clothing?  U

U Have you thought about donating your loved one’s clothes to their favorite charity/organization?  U

After my sisters left, Dad found Mom’s bedroom shoes.  He asked me if I wanted them.  I said yes but felt guilty for taking them because I did not know if my sisters wanted them too.

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