Thursday, April 19, 2012

Standing still in time

Today was really strange.  As I was riding back from the movies, I started thinking about everything that has been happening to me.  I thought about my kids then felt peaceful.  I noticed the cross on a nearby church pass through the direct sun above then a dove flew over my car.  The next few minutes were very strange, like I have never experienced before.  I really can’t put it into words because there are no words in the English language to describe it.  If I had to explain it, I would say that as I was driving it was as if everything was standing still even though it was moving.  I was driving, but I really was not there.  It was as if everything stood still and all was quiet.  This continued even after I got out of the car, so I went out to the front porch to sort things out.  I sat down in the rocking chair to think, and then it was okay.  My next thoughts were, is this it?  Am I going to die today, this way?

My head sometimes has felt as if it were numb over my left ear.  When it happened before, I can’t remember where it was that was numb or how long ago this happened.  When I am in the car and the air conditioner is blowing the air near my ear, my ear feels sensitive to my hair touching it.  I am going to see a doctor next week, about a strange popping that I has been happening in the left part of my neck, as I reposition my head on my pillow at night. 

I will bombard him with all the other crazy things that have been happening to me, and I will ask for guidance as to where I should go from here.  I guess I should see a neurologist and maybe get a cat scan.  I would just like to know what is going on, and I may not get the answers I want right away, but hopefully I will. 

My neck has been real stiff today, my skin has been itching a lot in different places, and I seem to have a lot of gas lately.  Basically, I am falling apart.  Ashton is sitting next to me and wants to read what I am writing, and I told him he couldn’t.  He did not need to know what I was writing about .

If this disease is going to take my life, then I am going to be proactive and make sure the spiritual things I want to teach my kids will be accomplished.  Ashton was watching baseball on TV today and was speaking as if he wanted to be a professional baseball player.  I told him whatever he did he would have to do it as unto the Lord.  He noticed how one player threw his bat and helmet down, and he made a comment about it.  I told him a lot of young people were watching that player, and he needed to be an example.  I told Ashton even if other players were doing something wrong, he should not jump in.  I am also trying to be sensitive when the kids ask me if I can do something with them.  Last night, it was Ashton wanting to play UNO Attack while I was typing, so I stopped and played with him and tonight it was Lauren not being able to get to sleep.  I took my laptop onto my bed and typed in there as she lay down next to me.

U  How can you pour your life into your children/grandchildren?  U

U  Have you instilled Jesus in them?  U

1 comment:

Believer's Blog said...

I love how you capture the peace that you were given in the midst of this. Because the entire time that you have questioned what has been going on and the the severity of it, you have acted in such peace. Like God was right there with you holding your hand the whole time. We all know that He does that. We don't always seems to feel it though.

I'm sorry that you have had to go through any of this my dear friend.