Tuesday, April 17, 2012


While the muscle twitching has still been going on for over a week, I have noticed my foot occasionally will catch on the pavement as I walk.  I just kind of catch myself and not fall.  Today, I had to scoop ice cream for a birthday party.  The ice cream was very hard, and I had difficulty scooping it as anyone else would.  My arm though was exhausted.

After the disease would leave my arm paralyzed, I thought about wearing a sling on my arm instead of letting it dangle down.  As I am writing this though, I have not been to the first doctor but just know that this is my prognosis.  I thought about this upcoming volleyball season and whether or not I will be able to finish it.  I also wondered whether or not I will be able to finish the school year and what the kids at school will think.  I was just flooded with thoughts today.  I thought about my sisters and Dad wanting to come up and see me and when I should tell them.  I thought about my shower and having wheelchair access.  I thought about how quickly ALS would ravish my body, and how I would not be able to run my fingers through Ashton’s hair.  Yep, just me and God; that’s all I will have.

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