Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Signing Dad’s card

Mom had not signed Dad’s Valentine’s Day card yet.  I got the card out of the bag and brought it to her.  She said she did not know if she would be able to sign it.  I put the pen into her hand and held the card for her.  We tried once and it did not work.  We tried again by repositioning the pen in her hand.  It took a lot of effort and looked like a kid’s handwriting, but she did it!

We brought Mom a pretty Valentine’s bouquet of cookies from my cookie shop.  The cookies were on sticks and decorated beautifully in a mug.  I knew Mom might have a hard time swallowing the cookie. 

While we were there, my kids wanted to have a tea party with her.  Lauren brought down her ceramic tea set, and each one of my kids had their own individual tea party with Mom.  We put tea into the tiny cups and broke up small pieces of the cookie.  I took a picture of Mom during the tea party; she was wearing her Georgia Bulldog sweatshirt.  She could not really eat much.  Mom said the cookies were, “cakey.”

U   If you are the ill loved one, can you give small amounts of quality time your loved ones need, even if you are worn out?  (This was the last quality time my kids had with Mom.)  U

1 comment:

Believer's Blog said...

Hey Girl! I think your questions work so well with your blog. This is such a personal account of your daily experience with her. I think it is beautiful that you are sharing it.