Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mom’s surgery

Mom was admitted into the hospital March 2nd.  She had to be there by 7:00 a.m.  They gave her intravenous fluids during the day.  Around 5:00 p.m., they performed surgery to give Mom a feeding tube.  She was supposed to be admitted for twenty-three hours.  She was only given a local anesthesia because of her ALS.  This upset Mom because she thought she was going to be "knocked out".  The surgery went fine.  I had asked for God’s wisdom for the doctors.  I am glad they only did local anesthesia because she may not have made it out of surgery if they had put her under.  Mom complained about a few spots that were bothering her on her body.  It turned out Mom had Shingles.

The hospital was going to make her checkout and wait until 3:30 p.m. to see the doctor about the trach.  This upset us because the doctor’s office was across town.  I spoke with Jennifer, and she was frustrated too.  It would have been a patient courtesy for the doctor to come see her.  Here was Mom, just having surgery to get a feeding tube, Dad not knowing much, yet they were trying to discharge her. The reason they were trying to discharge her is because she was pre-approved for only twenty-three hours by the insurance company as an observation patient.

Jennifer did not know how insistent Dad was with the doctors.  I told her to talk to the doctors and stick up for Mom.  She told me she would tell them to kiss her butt.  The hospital decided to admit her.  They fed her through her feeding tube and all was well.  The only thing that really upset Mom was when a nurse accidentally pressed on the spot where Mom had the surgery.  Mom cried.  It is a big deal when Mom cries, because Mom does not cry.

U  Do you have the ability to advocate what is best for your loved one’s needs?  U

U  If necessary, can you speak up and challenge the hospital, nurses, doctors, and the insurance company in order to get the appropriate care needed for your loved one?  U

Jennifer said Dad had been discussing Mom’s upcoming care with her.  He mentioned about putting Mom in a nursing home on the island.  She told me Dad does not understand the ratio of nurses to patients, and Mom would need more care than a nursing home could provide.  My concern was for a nurse to be there to help with Mom, especially at night. 

Joann was going to visit Mom and could give Dad a break at night.  She had to leave her kids behind because Mom had Shingles.  I am going down to see Mom in a week with my kids if the Shingles are gone.  I can delay my trip if I need to.  I was planning to be at Mom’s house for about nine days.  I know the days are going to be very exhausting.  I still want to get Mom to the movie, The Passion, and to push her in her wheelchair to the beach.

The next day, I needed to talk to Dad about a few things, so I called the hospital room.  I talked to Dad then wanted to tell Mom I loved her.  I told her I loved her, and if I did not know Mom always responds by saying the same in turn then I would not be able to tell what she had said.

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