Thursday, September 15, 2011

What’s next? (part II)

Jennifer called me again to ask me to call Dad because she forgot to tell him to pack her pillow.  She had called home so many times concerning taking Mom’s medicines and other things that she forgot to remind him.  She did not want him to get mad.  Since I was not at home and my cell phone went dead, she could not get in touch with me and called Jamie.  Jamie went over to Mom’s house and helped Dad pack her things since he would not know what to pack.

She said Mom has not been able to eat much for the past couple of days because she could not swallow well.  When Jennifer was at Mom’s house, Mom only ate about a cup of apple sauce and one-fourth of a banana.  She did not know if they would have to put her on fluids and help her get stronger before they did the surgery.

One of the frustrating things patients go through once they have had a trach is communicating their needs to their caregiver.  They can mouth the words, but sometimes it is hard to read someone’s lips when they are not used to doing so.  Jennifer suggested Mom meet with a therapist so she will know how to communicate better with us.  They can teach patients to blink once for no, two blinks for yes, or use flashcards, so they can communicate better.

U  Have you utilized resources such as speech, occupational, and physical therapists who can aid in improving the quality of life for your loved one?  U

Last night’s devotion again was very relevant.  I had read it the night before because it was February 29th and there was not a devotion for that night.  The title was, “Calling with Confidence.”   The scripture the devotion comes from is Psalm 44: 23-24, 26, “Wake up, O Lord!  Why do you sleep?  Get up!  Do not reject us forever.  Why do you look the other way?  Why do you ignore our suffering and oppression?  Rise up!  Come and help us!  Save us because of your unfailing love.”  The devotion talked about us going through difficulties, and we too may also question God in the same manner.  We may feel the Lord may be looking the other way but to remember He will never let you down.

The prayer at the bottom stated, “Lord, thank you for your promised presence with me today.  Although my circumstances may seem overwhelming, I call to you with confidence because you are all powerful and you love me.  Come and help me!  Save me because of your unfailing love and help me experience you as my sure refuge.  I wait expectantly to see you move in a mighty way in my life today.” 

I do not in feel in any way that the Lord is asleep.  He has shown His face to me even in the clouds.  He is constantly reminding me He is going to heal her.  I just have to trust in which way He will heal her. 

U   Do you trust in God’s promise that He will never forsake you?  U

 Fuller, Cheri. The One Year Book of Praying through the Bible. Wheaton: 
    Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2003. March 1.

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