Tuesday, November 1, 2011

“Don’t touch me”

Mom said this to me a lot of times.  Someone told me there was a disease she may also have where they cannot stand to be touched.  When I would lean her over with her legs hanging off the side of the bed, she did not want me to touch her.  She would tip over if I did not hold her up.  Another time, I had my hand on her shoulder praying for her when I thought she was asleep.  But, she was not asleep and said, “Don’t touch me.”  I would pick up her arms and legs and move them around like Angie told me.  One time I was rubbing her hands because they were blue and again she would say, “Don’t touch me.”

One thing she enjoyed was having her hair brushed.  One time she asked me to brush her hair for her, and she said, “That feels good.”

U  Can you offer to do small things that would bring your loved one some comfort?  U

U  Are you realizing how hard it is on your loved one if they are experiencing the same thing, because they want to be touched, and they also know their loved ones want to touch them?  (Mom may even have sucked it up and let us touch her at times even though it bothered her.)  U

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