Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The “death” of my cookie shop? (part II)

The Lord has answered my prayers so many times when I have asked Him for wisdom concerning the shop.  An idea He gave me one morning as I woke was Brother for Businesses.  It is a listing of the member businesses within my church which is placed on the church’s web site so the members can use it as a resource.  Businesses are reviewed by the church’s administration and must meet certain criteria for inclusion in the Brothers for Businesses Directory.  Owners of each business in the listing have pledged to operate using the highest Biblical and ethical standards.  It is in it’s infancy but will bloom and help the businesses within my church.

Another way He answered my prayer as I sought His wisdom about the shop is through the sororities at UGA.  One of my workers invited her friends on facebook to like our shop.  From that one nice gesture, it turned into me going to the sororities during their chapter meetings.  I introduce myself, tell them about my shop, and take them cookie cakes and a few goodies.  As I was running out of contacts with whom to get in touch with next, the Lord would send another person my way.  I asked Him twice if He wanted me to do the work, or if He was going to and both times He sent more people for me to contact.  He has such a sense of humor and would constantly let me know He was in control.  It was neat to see Him work!

In the spring of 2008, I set my foot in the “classroom” for the last time as a teacher.  Giving up teaching to run the cookie shop was also a death to me; it makes it even harder to possibly move the shop.  I have given up so much for the shop.

So, here I am with my Isaac to sacrifice.  If it is necessary for me to sacrifice my shop to help someone reading this book, I will do it.  I would just love for the Lord to bring the business we need to the shop so we can stay.  It will take a miracle, but I believe in a God who does miracles, and He does them well.

U  What “Isaac” may you need to sacrifice?  U
****Photo of our hand decorated bouquet of cookies.

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