Thursday, July 7, 2011

Christian brothers and sisters

Mom and Dad raised four girls, taking all of us to church.  They are still actively attending today.  When Mom got sick Christian brothers and sisters jumped in to help.  Tom, from their Sunday school class, coordinated people to cut their grass.
Every Monday someone from their Sunday school class brings them a meal.  Wednesday night they bring the church supper, and Thursday night another person brings them food as well.  On several occasions, when I was visiting Mom, someone would call and just ask her if they could bring some food.  The last time I visited, a lady knew how much Mom loved a particular restaurant’s seafood, so she went to the restaurant and brought her some.  Betty, a lady in Mom’s Sunday school class, schedules all the meals, and visits as well.  Mom told me a ninety year old man from the church loves to visit people, and he was coming over to visit her.  She even told me he took her to the doctor’s office one day.
U  Can you volunteer to take a friend or loved one to the doctor?  U
During my Sunday school class, I asked the class to pray for Mom and told them I felt the Lord was going to heal her.  I started to cry.  Someone came over to me and started to pray for me.  This is what Christ is all about, loving and serving one another.  I have seen this first hand from Christian brothers and sisters.

U      How are you using your God given talents, resources, abilities, and gifts to serve a friend or loved one?  U
U      Would you be willing to coordinate visits and meals for someone?  U

"Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone especially to our Christian brothers and sisters."   Galatians 6:10  

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