Thursday, December 22, 2011

The sunrise

The next morning, I woke up early because I had a terrible pain in my shoulder.  It hurt so bad I even went outside to get Advil out of my car.  I figured since I’m up I would go watch the sunrise.  Dad walked to the restroom when I was in the hall, and I told him I was going to watch the sunrise.  I left a note for Paul, so he would know where I was if he woke up before I got home.

The sun was beautiful.  I parked my car at East Beach which has a place to park that overlooks the ocean.  I did not want anyone to see me because I knew I was going to cry.  I did not get out of the car at first because the gnats were terrible.  During the last song, I opened the sunroof, turned the music up real loud, and stood in front of the car looking at the sunrise.  There was a bird sitting on the top of a sign, and he was looking upward towards the Heavens.  I thought that was neat.

I  clearly remember the message I was getting as I sat there.  It was as if God was telling me, “I’m still in control.”  I thanked Him for letting me have her.  I said to her, whether she can hear me or not, “Wait for me, I’ll be there.”

U As hard as it is, do you trust God because He is still in control? U

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