Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Easter weekend (part I)

Before Mom passed away, Joann and I had planned to visit Mom and Dad Easter weekend.  We thought it would be best if everyone still got together and visited Dad.  Dad asked me if we were going to keep the same schedule of visiting.  I told him I thought so. 

Joann had called me earlier in the week and told me coming home was harder than she thought.  She said she cried all day.  She had been at Dad’s house the whole week because it was her spring break.  I started praying to help prepare before I went home.

Aunt Julie called Wednesday night.  We had both prayed that day for the Lord to use us.  I wrote her a card earlier this week telling her I was sorry I had not ministered to her.  I used one of the cards I was going to send to Mom.  It was perfect, and I told her how I was feeling.

She was going through two things; Mom dying and putting Ralph (her husband) in the nursing home.  When she would tell me about Ralph, I wouldn’t say anything because I was absorbed in dealing with Mom passing away.
U  Is there someone else besides yourself that needs ministering to, but things in your world have been too hectic to notice?  U

When I got to Dad’s house, I really was not ready to just jump in and start doing projects.  I don’t know why, I guess I just needed some time.  There were a lot of thank you notes to write.  Jennifer was not going to be able to come because Juliette, her daughter, was sick with a fever.

U  Are there thank you notes you can help write?  U

U  Have you thought about sending your loved one’s caregiver a card/letter/gift thanking them for all they have done?  U 

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