Thursday, August 23, 2012

A memorial ornament

I created a memorial ornament in memory of Mom.  This is one thing that just came to me.  It must have been from the Lord.  Since 1994, I have been making wooden Christmas ornaments for my family.  I had not come up with an ornament yet, and I was running out of time.  Once it was finished, it was beautiful.  Mom loved angels.  I made the angel lift her arms to the sky as if she was praising Jesus.  On the banner above her arms, I wrote “JESUS.”  The angel has big wings that have a shimmery glitter all over it. 

I attached a card that read on the front, “Our Angel.”  Inside the card I wrote, “This memorial angel was created in memory of my mom, Elaine Royal, who loved angels but more so loved Jesus with all her heart.  She is now in Heaven praising Jesus….the one who made the angels.”  I knew that was what she was doing in Heaven….praising Jesus.

U  Is there something you could make or do that would honor your loved one? U

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