Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pressing forward (part III)

One night, we met Claudia at the bowling alley, ate dinner, and then bowled.  Dad couldn’t bowl because of his hurt shoulder, so he just watched.  I was being very honest with Claudia and told her my only concern was she had a good relationship with the Lord, and I told her I didn’t have to worry about that.  Dad had told me she wanted them to start a Bible study together.  She is a very good influence on Dad, and I see it being a very positive relationship for him.  I really like her a lot.

Before we left the bowling alley, Lauren invited Claudia over to watch a new kid’s movie she just got.  By the time we left, Dad said he and Claudia would watch their show they had taped, and the kids could watch theirs.  This broke Lauren’s heart.  She wanted Claudia to watch the movie with her.  Claudia, Lauren, and Ashton rode back to Dad’s in her car, and Dad and I rode together.  I told Dad Lauren was upset and asked if there was any way Claudia could watch the movie with Lauren.  Claudia did just that, and I know Lauren was happy.

U  If you are the new significant other, can you sacrifice personal time to be with the children/grandchildren?  U

The last day before we left, Dad, Lauren, Ashton, and I were headed to another of my favorite restaurants.  On the way there, Lauren asked if Claudia was coming.  I told Lauren she could call and invite her.  She called and Claudia said she would come if Lauren invited her.  Claudia decided to join us, but before she came, I told Dad he could take us on a cruise now.  Mom for some reason did not want all of us to go.  He said we could if it was just the girls, and he mentioned about Claudia possibly going too.  When Claudia arrived, Dad told me to tell Claudia what we were talking about.  I told her I was trying to get Dad to take the girls on a cruise.  He told me to tell her the other part.  I said, “I’m not going to tell her that, you tell her.”  He told her he said maybe if Claudia was still hanging around she could go too.  So…. Dad is looking into the future with her.

Claudia met the kids at the house and took Lauren, Ashton, and Kaitlin to the movies.  She dropped Kaitlin off at her house after the movie because she needed to get home then got some food for the kids and brought it back to the house. 

She got the kids a gift.  Ashton got some Match Box cars, and Lauren got a cute stationary set that included Claudia’s address in the address book, so Lauren could write her.  Claudia also put a picture of herself where she had written her address.  On the front of the holder, which held all the stationary items, she inserted a picture we had taken while we were on Jekyll.  She gave me a gift as well.  I opened it….it was an angel on her knees praying.  What a neat gift.  Later that evening, when we were all telling her goodbye, I asked her if Dad had told her Mom loved angels.  She said, “Now that you mentioned it, I think he did, but it was a long time ago.”  She had forgotten about it.  I thought it was neat, and the perfect gift.

U  Would a gift be an appropriate ice breaker for you to give when meeting the new significant other?  U

Claudia and I talked for a minute, and she mentioned how hard it must be on us.  I told her I had a lot of people praying for me, and it has helped a lot.  I told her I had to pray a lot before I met her, but everything was fine.  It was a great week; I had a few tears but did not really cry…..all because of prayer.

U  Are you accepting your loved one’s new significant other with open arms knowing the transition is difficult for them as well?  U

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