Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Royal wedding (part I)

Saturday morning, we went early to the chapel to take pictures.  Joann helped fix my hair and made it real curly.  Lauren, Ashton, and I each wore something of Mom’s.  I had on her wedding band: Lauren wore one of Mom’s charms on a necklace, and Ashton put a silver cross in his pocket that Mom gave him.

U  Can you remember your deceased loved one by wearing a small trinket of theirs during the wedding?  U

The wedding was set to start at 11:00 a.m.  Claudia did not want Dad to see her until she walked down the aisle.

As the four girls, Dad, and Jim waited to come in the front of the church, we were cutting up and laughing.  I had hoped no one heard us.  The girls stood by Dad in birth order which was also by height as well.  Joann stood between Dad and me.  Jennifer and Jamie were behind me.  During the ceremony, Jim said something that made me want to cry, but I cannot remember what he said.  I bit the inside of my cheek to help me not cry.  Jamie held Claudia’s wedding band, and when Jim asked for the ring, we each passed it to one another, then to Jim.  What a neat idea!  It was as if each one of us were blessing the marriage.  When Jim asked for Dad’s wedding ring, Adam passed it to Kelli, and she gave it to Jim.

While Dad was saying his vows he got choked up.  He was supposed to be the strong one for Claudia.  The ceremony was beautiful.  I peeked around Joann, so I could see what was going on.  I asked Jennifer if she wanted to see and she said, “Yes.”  I moved out of the way, so she could see too.  Then, just that quickly, the wedding was over.

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