Thursday, October 25, 2012

A second mourning? (part III)

He also spoke of the deepest joy he felt, and he did not have any worries, anxieties, or concerns.  The two statements he made that stood out in my mind were, “I wasn’t conscious of anything I’d left behind and felt no regrets about leaving family or possessions.  It was as if God had removed anything negative or worrisome from my consciousness, and I could only rejoice at being together with these wonderful people.”

I always wondered if people in Heaven could see what we were doing.  But it seems to me, they are focused on God and praising him.  There will be no sorrow in Heaven, so they probably cannot see us.  I still tell God to tell Mom I love her.  It is up to Him whether or not that should be done.  But I trust Him and know He makes the best decisions for me.

Through reading the book, and even today as I sat in church, the one thing I received was “rejoice!”  The song that spurred on this thought was O’ Come, O’ Come Emmanuel (anonymous, n.d.).  I was thinking of Mom for some reason as I was singing the song, and the words rang out “Rejoice! Rejoice!”  Let go!  Quit being selfish and wanting her here, and rejoice because she is eternally with Jesus in Heaven.

U Can you rejoice because your loved one is with Jesus in Heaven?  U

On the way back home, we took back roads, so we would miss the holiday traffic and possible wrecks.  We were a few miles from Mom’s gravesite, and I asked Ashton if he wanted to go to Granny’s gravesite and he said, “Yes.”

We stopped at the gravesite for a few minutes.  I turned around because I heard the chimes ringing.  I asked Ashton if he rang the chimes, and he said he did.  Before I left, I said out loud to Jesus, “I am going to rejoice because she is with you in Heaven.”

I yearn to be with her, and I have to be patient until I see her beautiful face again.  She is no longer in pain and suffering.  Until then, I have to learn to rejoice and remember Jesus has me here for a reason.  I need to strive to fulfill my mission here on earth.

     Piper, Don. 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, 2004. 26, 31.  

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