Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mad as a tick!

All I want to do is find out what is wrong with me!  Why for eleven weeks I have had pain in my left arm.  I got my MRI results back today.  Bulging and degenerative discs and a narrowing of my spinal canal, but nothing that would give me pain in my arm.  No pinched nerve, no surgery needed.  I asked him if it could be my heart.  He said I was healthy, and the pain is not radiating down from my chest to my arm.  He did not know what was causing my pain.  He increased my pain medicine and changed it because it was not working.  Then basically the doctor left after he told me I could go to a pain management center.
He did not say, this is what we can do next….let’s check into this.  He packed his things and left.  His nurse said I could come back as needed.  I did not have time to rebuttal a debate as he was walking out because I had to be at work in ten minutes.  By the time I got to the parking lot, I was mad!  I guess I as a lay person am left to figure out what is wrong with me.  Paul works for a health insurance company, and we are going to talk to a doctor he knows.  I am so frustrated!  Tonight, I just cried.
We did talk to a doctor on the phone that Paul knew from work.  He at least cared enough to listen.  I told him my symptoms, and he said I needed to get a second opinion.  He is a heart doctor, and said I could come see him if I needed to.  He told me to enjoy my Christmas. 

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