Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Grandmother (part V)

****  Sorry I accidently left off the last paragraph of the poem read at my grandmother's memorial service.  I listed the paragraph first.

"Grandmothers truly know what it means to LOVE unconditionally.  They take such pride in watching us grow & in seeing us mature.  We see ourselves in them & they see their youth is us.  We’ll thank God for allowing our grandmother, Margaret Royal, to love, guide & influence us.”
The preacher wanted a big hat like the ones Grandmother would wear to be put at the front of the church next to her picture.  Her ashes were is a box covered with nice linen.  A big flower arrangement was at the front of the church as well.  The flowers were from Claudia and Dad and would be used in the church service Sunday.
A reception was held after the service with refreshments.  A lady mentioned as we walked in that the members would like a receiving line.  We tried quickly to have one, but we were not prepared, so many people did not know.  None the less, we pulled it together and met many people from her church, Dad’s church, and other people whom loved Grandmother.
Sunday my family went to Dad and Claudia’s church with Jamie and her family.  We then went to eat lunch.  I went over to Grandmother’s house because she wanted me to go through her clothes and get what I wanted.  She always talked about that.  I did not really want her clothes, but maybe a few things of hers that would have sentimental value.  I found a writing pen from her church, a Beanie Baby and purse for Lauren, two makeup compacts, a pair of earrings for one of my sisters, my cousin’s charms with their birthdays engraved on them, a few of her cushioned fancy hangers for myself and my sisters, and a few other small things.  I even found a card I had sent to her! 
I noticed the box of Grandmother’s ashes at Dad’s house and for some reason wanted to get the box out and hold it.  It was weird thinking I held in my hands all that was left of my grandmother.  The box was sealed tight, and I rocked the box back and forth listening to the sounds it made.  Don’t ask me why; I just did.
I told Dad he did a good job (with everything) and she (Grandmother) would have been proud.  As we were filling up at the gas station on the way home, I saw a few seagulls flying and thought I hope Grandmother was seeing angels flying around since she couldn’t see the seagulls.  
I prayed that night and told the Lord it would be great if He would let me peek into Heaven and see if she were there.  Then I could celebrate if she were and not be in sorrow.

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