Thursday, April 4, 2013

In their shoes

Most of what I am going through or have gone through, I feel is for others to benefit.  I have said this before.  I thought about my current pain and my quest to find what is wrong with me.  I guess in a small way I can say I have walked in their shoes.  Walked in the shoes of the person who may have ALS or another disease; always having to deal with symptoms that are not fun to go through.  The long wait of not knowing until there is a diagnosis.  Then there is dealing with some doctors that just don’t care to take the time to help you.  The list goes on.  At least, I have drugs that will help me with my pain….not to mention the side effects.  I told Paul today he should use 409 to help grease the garage door chain…..I meant WD40!  I guess the bottom line is compassion.  When you know someone is going through an illness, show compassion.  Until we have walked in their shoes we really have no idea.

U Can you show compassion for people who have an illness, disability, or a disease?U

U Have you pondered what is like to walk in their shoes?  (We all should to be thankful for the little things in life.) U  

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