Thursday, June 27, 2013

Afterword (part III)

Another thing I regret is that when times were real hard, like the night I described under, “This night,” I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world now because as hard as the night was, at least she was still alive.  At least, she was still there with me.  As hard as times are, lean on God for your strength, and ask Him to help you through and give you peace.  Cherish the moments, as hard as they are, while your loved one is still with you.

If you are reading this book because you have a loved one or friend that is terminally ill or a loved one that is dying, I grieve for you.  I got teary eyed even writing that sentence.  I know what you are going through is hard, and I don’t have the answers, we have only trod down the same path.  The one person that does have all the answers is Jesus.  Be comforted by God’s words from (NLT, Philippians 4.13), “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (NLT, Deuteronomy 31.8) states, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  

Tonight, I feel like Mary, Jesus’ mother because I am experiencing the same feeling I think Mary went through.  Why did God choose me?  I am just an ordinary girl.  Can I do what You want me to accomplish?  How will I get it done?  What will people think?

Then I feel honored.  Honored is not a strong enough word to describe the feeling I had tonight.  What an indescribable feeling that I have never had before.  I am just in awe of how God would choose me to accomplish such a great task.

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