Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This heart of mine (part I)

I debated about putting this chapter in because I wanted to “mask” this situation.  This is the most sensitive topic I think I have written about.  I did not want to hurt Dad’s feelings, but I wanted to prepare you with all that may lie ahead of you.  Hopefully, this book has helped you prepare for these situations, so they will not be a surprise to you.

This past Christmas, my sisters and I talked about Dad dating.  It was late, and we were all in the kitchen except for Jamie; she was at home.  Jennifer mentioned Jamie had said she would need two hands to count all the dates Dad had been on. 

Someone brought up the topic of Dad having a framed picture of a lady on his chest-of-drawers.  I had to turn my back toward my sisters at one point because tears came to my eyes.  I was not ready for this.  I was not ready for another lady to come into Mom’s house.  I guess I always thought Mom and Dad would be together forever. 

Mom had mentioned about Dad remarrying before, but all along I had not even thought about it until now.  We thought about the house and what exactly Mom had written in her will.  She was concerned for us, and I think she put in her will we would get the house when Dad passed away.  She had everything all planned out and had thought about everything; whereas, I had not thought about any of it.  That is why she hid some money around the house for us because she was trying to look out for my sisters and me.

U  How can the information of your loved one dating someone be introduced/handled?  U

Yesterday, February 6th, I talked with Jamie on the phone.  I told her I was going to call Dad, and she said he was out of town.  I asked her where he was, and she said he could tell me if he wanted to when he got back in town.  I told her not to hide things from me.  I asked her if he was on a cruise with another lady.  I just guessed, and I was right.  She told me some story and then said he went to the Bahamas, and this other lady went as well. 

Dad dating someone else is just a sensitive subject to me.  I know it is only fair for Dad to move on with his life, and it is only a reality for him to marry again.  Though, it does not make it easy on me.  I don’t want someone else coming into the house and changing everything.  Just to see another woman in the house is going to be hard to stomach.  Not having Mom around has been hard, but another woman in the house will always be a constant visual reminder of Mom not being there.

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