Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Muffin (part II)

Saturday and Sunday, Muffin would not eat or barely drink anything.  Saturday night was really rough.  She got up throughout the night.  I would hold and pet her trying to bring her comfort, therefore, did not get much sleep.  It reminded me greatly of the night I wrote concerning “This night.”  Both Mom and Muffin were up constantly trying to get settled.  Nothing seemed to work.

I prayed the Lord would take Muffin in her sleep because I did not want to “play God” and make the decision of putting her to sleep.  I also prayed for wisdom if I needed to make that decision.  I just did not think it was fair for me to decide.

Paul reminded me God gave man dominion over the animals.  Genesis 1:28 says, “God blessed them and told them, ‘Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.  Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals.’”  In the foot notes of the Bible I was reading it stated, “To ‘be masters over’ something is to have absolute authority and control over it.  God has ultimate rule over the earth, and he exercises his authority with loving care.  When God delegated some of his authority to the human race, he expected us to take responsibility for the environment, and the other creatures that share our planet.’”

Saturday she seemed to have a little spark, and I took her outside to roam around.  All her life she loved to be outside and sit in the sun.  I remembered I wanted to take Mom to the beach in her wheelchair.  I did not want Muffin to lie around and be miserable.

I prayed the Lord would help Muffin and me get some sleep and prayed she would have a better night.  Again I prayed the Lord would take her in her sleep.  Every time I would get up to go to the bathroom or to comfort her, I would kiss her and tell her I loved her.  I did this because I did not know if she would be alive the next time I saw her.  She slept in longer intervals, and we had a good night's sleep.  I had a dream Muffin died.

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