Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spring break

I was planning to leave right after school on Friday, March 12th, to go see Mom.  We only had a half day of school, and I expected to leave around 12:30 p.m.  Our manager at my cookie shop became ill, and I needed to help at the shop especially because we had a birthday party.  Someone had to get in the cow costume, and I knew my help was greatly needed.  I called Dad to make sure it would be okay to come down a little later.  He said he would be there to take care of her, and it would be okay.

The drive down was hard.  I thought of Mom a lot.  When we got there, Mom was in the back bedroom.  It was late, around 9:00 p.m.  She opened her eyes and gave us that ole’ familiar smile.  The kids came in and told her hey, and I began to talk with Dad about taking care of her for the night.  Mom, asked me to stay in the back bedroom, and I told her I was planning on it.  Dad did not stay up long.  He was physically exhausted.  I kind of was thrown the ball, and I had to run with it.  I did not know much about the feeding tube or the BIPAP machine.  I really wanted to get a shower and asked if Lauren could listen out for her.  Mom did not want me to leave her side, so I did not.  After I saw Mom, I thought the Lord was not going to physically heal her.  My goal for the week was also not going to be accomplished.  Mom was not going to get out of the house.

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