Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Asking for Mountains


Within one week, I received two rejection letters that shattered my world.  The rejection letters both were from the editors I met at the Christian writer’s conference.  I was sure one of them would come through.  I cried myself asleep.  I woke up at 1:50 a.m., and my eye sockets were in great pain from crying so much.  I took some Advil and fell asleep after 2:30 a.m.

I read my devotion which was titled, “Asking for Mountains,” it stated:  “If you always choose the easy way, asking for the peaceful valleys, you will never see God’s power displayed to enable you to take a mountain.  Seek out the mountains and you will witness God doing things through your life that can be explained only by His mighty presence.”

This is a mountain.  The biggest mountain I have ever faced in my entire life.  I compared it to Mom’s death and consider it a larger mountain.  With Mom’s death at least I knew it was God’s will.  I want to see His power.

I wish God would audibly speak and say, “Stop” or “Keep going.”  That would be the easiest and less painful way of seeing whether to continue with my book.  I guess this is where the rubber hits the road.  My hands are up in the air.  I can’t do anything else.  The only logic I can think of is the publisher that is to publish my book must only accept manuscripts from agents.  I press on!    

U Are you seeking God’s presence as you seek out the mountain before you?  U

Blackaby, Henry and Richard. Experiencing God. Day by Day. Nashville:  B&H  Publishing Group, 1998,  2006, 226.

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