Tuesday, April 30, 2013

He’s preparing me again

I had my MRI late Friday, and I am waiting for the results.  I was given a shot of dye to enhance the images.  The tech told me if I had MS, “It would be lit up like a Christmas tree.”  Paul took the disc that contained the MRI to my doctor in Atlanta.  Now…..the waiting. 
The Lord was preparing me Sunday during church.  The church was celebrating paying off the loan as the church is debt free.  We sang a lot of praise and worship music….all of which ministered to me.  Tears streamed down my face, and I continually wiped them away.  Ashton was next to me, but I could not help it.  It was a very emotional time for me.  Each song was sung as if it were just for me.  The words were so meaningful.  Some of the lines from the songs I wrote in my Bible were: “Just when you think you have finally reached the end, there’s gonna be a victory like there’s never been.” “Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh, give Him the glory great things He hath done.”  “Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God forever.”  “Take my life and let it be for you Lord and for your glory.”  “Waiting here for you,……singing halleluiah.”  “Lift my eyes up – my help comes from the Lord.”  “I will not fear, His promise is true.”  “My God will come through always, always.”  Brother Bill referred to how He (the Lord) wants to use us, bless us, and touch the world through us.  I wrote in my Bible “HE is preparing me today – to be strong.”
Today, I have been very wobbly on my feet, and my head has not been right.  I came home and sat on the front porch and cried.  I knew what I had was not good whether cancer or MS.  I asked the Lord to help me be strong and not a wimp.
I got the results back and everything was clear.  My new doctor really could not do anything else for me from her side of medicine, so we went to my new local physician.  I set up an appointment with him, and he thought I might have tennis elbow.  We took a few x-rays and there seemed to be swelling at the tendons.  He then ordered the MRI, and it came back with tendonitis in two different tendons.  At least I know what is causing the pain.    

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