Thursday, May 17, 2012

A letter of love

I have wanted to write Aunt Jackie and my cousins from Ohio, but I did not exactly know what I wanted to say.  I knew I wanted to make sure my cousins knew Jesus since they were going through their mother having cancer.  I have been in my cousin’s shoes by watching Mom go through something so devastating and wanted them to have Jesus to lean on.  Aunt Jackie would especially need Jesus to make it through.  I did not want to be the one that never shared Christ with them, and when they died they would not spend eternity with Him.

I wanted the letter to be received well and not be pushy.  I had Paul read the letter, and he said it came from my heart and did not seem pushy.  I sent Aunt Jackie a card that spoke of comfort and wrote on her card; I sent my cousins an e-mail.  I asked the teachers in the prayer meeting to pray the letter be received well.

The next day, I checked my e-mail, and I received an e-mail from one of my cousins.  She thanked me for my kind thoughts and prayers and said she would stay in touch.

U  Is there a letter of love you can send to a loved one?  U

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