Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I am sitting here tonight with raw emotions.  Again, I thought of something I had never thought of before.  I would have loved for Mom to tell me how much she loved me before she passed away and rejoice with her when she said she would see me again.  I would have loved to hear Mom say how proud she was of me with my teaching career, and the impact I had on my students.  But, those words would have been too hard for her to say.  She did not want to talk about her feelings, nor did she know when she was going to die.  So, she did not know when to say these things to me.

Saying all these things would be too painful to discuss, but the benefit, the legacy, one would be leaving for their loved ones would outweigh the pain.  I think it would bring a sense of love and peace.

The song that has meant so much to me in the last several months is Say by John Mayer.  It makes me think of Mom.   There is not an official video or lyrics on his website, but I hope you will look them up.  His song was in the movie The Bucket List in 2007.

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