Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A lesson for me to learn (part I)

For quite some time now, Joann and I have made a conscious effort to witness to Granddad.  Joann sent him 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN, hoping he would see his need for Jesus.  This past Christmas, I sent him a tract.  On several occasions, I tried specifically to witness to him.  The Evangelism Explosion class I took taught me how to witness.  So one time I even took my Evangelism Explosion note cards into his room to aid me as I witnessed to him.  I hid the cards on my legs, so he could not see them!    

When I went to see him a few weeks ago, I told him I had a dream about him.  He said, “Did I die?”  I told him no.  I told him in my dream I saw a white figure and he (Granddad) was in the distance.  I don’t know if the figure was God, Jesus, or an angel.  The figure said two distinct things:  “Experience Christ for yourself.”  “Do you know Him?”  The reason I remembered these questions so vividly is because I was awoken from the dream nodding my head yes to the question the figure asked.  When I woke up, I did not want to forget the things he said, so I wrote them down.  I don’t know the purpose of the dream but finished relaying it to Granddad.  I did not witness to him this time but told him a lot of people were praying for him and something to the effect that he needed Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.

Dad called last Sunday to let us know Granddad was not eating and drinking much at all, and Hospice was helping out.  Granddad was being kept comfortable and was being given Morphine for the pain.  Dad did not think Granddad would live but a few more days.  I told him I was sorry. 

I wanted to drive down Monday after work to see him again.  Paul said, “I know why you want to see him again.”  He knew I wanted to witness to him again.  But we both knew it was futile.  With Granddad being on Morphine, he would not be in the right state of mind.   The Lord was going to have to do a miracle.

I asked the teachers at school to please pray for my granddad’s salvation.  Tuesday after I asked the teacher’s to pray, two teachers came up to me and asked if they could pray with me right then.  I said sure.  Over and over, the theme in the prayer was for the Lord to call him one more time.

I really wanted to visit Granddad after church on Sunday.  I knew Ashton had baseball practice at 5:30.  The schedule would be tight, but these things are trivial especially because my granddad is dying, and I’m not sure of his salvation.  Paul emailed Ashton’s coach and told him he would be late for practice.

U  What “trivial” activities can be delayed or cancelled so visits can be made to see the loved one?  U

U  What are you doing to help insure your loved one’s salvation?  U
Piper, Don. 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN.  Grand Rapids:  Fleming H. Revell, 2004. 26, 31.

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