Thursday, September 19, 2013

Being a servant (part II)

So, today I showed up at her house again.  I knew her husband went back to work today.  I told her it wasn’t my fault (about me being there), and I told her about the blog I read stating to be there.  She also said she probably wouldn’t have called.
This time I had a bucket of cleaning materials with me, and I wanted to clean her bathrooms and kitchen, then dust, and Swiffer.  I talked with her a little while I was cleaning the kitchen.  I moved the coffee pot and found two things behind it.  One of the things I found was a tithing envelope that had her son’s name on it with a dollar amount written on it.  I showed it to her in case she did not know it was there.  She said it was in his pocket (when he died) and she was going to take it to the church.  I think that is really neat!

I was able to finish cleaning their house and was glad I could minister to them in this way.  I also found out the middle and high school students at our church brought in pantry items for the family.  She had a large plastic shelving unit filled with all kinds of food.  What a great idea.

U  Having written this chapter….Do you think this was the right approach to helping a grieving person or would a person that is very private perhaps need the time and space to grieve?  What is your experience with this situation?  I know each person is different.  U

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