Tuesday, September 10, 2013

His funeral

The next day was the funeral, and again I prayed for grace, peace, and mercy for the family and for people to come to know Christ during the funeral.  At was neat to see all the people there.  His life touched so many people.  There were a lot of students there from several schools.  Several pastors spoke during the funeral including the Children’s Pastor, Middle School Pastor, High School Pastor, our and Senior Pastor. 
I did not know her son very well, so my grief is different.   My grief is for my friend and what she and her family are going through; it is real nonetheless.   It made me think of the believers being the body of Christ.  “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.” (NLT, 1 Corn. 12:26)

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