Thursday, September 5, 2013

The visitation (part II)


My friend and her husband were standing at the head of their son’s casket.  I lady in line behind me said, “Can you imagine if that were your son?”  As I got closer to the casket, I noticed her son had on one of those trendy rubber bracelets imprinted with words on them.  I peered closer to read the description.  It read, “CLASS OF 2013.”
I spoke to my friend first.  She thanked me for the flowers and said she thought of me when she looked at them.  I told her I woke up at four o’clock, and then I started getting choked up, so I put my hands together to symbolize prayer.  I was crying now, and finished what I was trying to say.  I told her I stayed awake till 5:00.   She was glad I told her that because that was when she needed it (prayer).  I spent a good amount of time talking to her. 

I then hugged her husband and talked to him.  We have been in the same Sunday school class for over ten years, and we have been through so much together.  He said he had something for me, and he got a candy mint out of his pocket.   We laughed.  I bring mints to Sunday school class and occasionally pass them out.

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